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I Love Tha Future 

The Fire Next Time, I Love Tha Future
The Fire Next Time

Assata Shakur
Michael Franti
Carl Young
Chuck D.
Angela Davis
Mad Professor
Asian Dub Foundation

I Love Tha Future, Download To Listen Click Here: I Love Tha Future 

I Love Tha Future, Video Download To Download Video Click Here: I Love Tha Future 

i love tha future by Assata Shakur

i love tha future

i love the idea of the future

i love tha idea of sayin ,wait a minute

let’s make a future, lets make this pretty,

make it good, make it sweet, make it juicy,

make it real, make it, you know something

other than pre-packaged bullshit, i want a future that,

you know is a Peoples future, God loves everybody,

but you know, you could have a bowl on the table and say, sit down have some,

not that you have to audit, or you have to watch your back, to see who is going to take it away from you,

but a open free, up future and i feel that part of loving myself,

part of being myself, is feeling that im women enough, human being enough,

ta, ta, to make that, you know weather its cooking it in my kitchen,

cooking it up on, on ah er a piece of paper , weather its cooking it up on er ah the way,

i, i see things, the way i do things, i believe in loving tha future, loving enough to make it,

and eh ah making it real, i believe in that shit, ok you know its like,

i know i love John Coltrane, i know i love you know, black beans and rice,

i know i love my baby, i know i love my momma, those are concrete loves,

i can expand and say, i love him and People from all places and ah the Planet and that’s abstract love,

but it’s a real love, its universal, its you know something, i’m working on, trying to make stronger,

trying to make bigger, trying to make heavier, you know, umm, but, i think that one of the loves that,

that’s hardest you see, is loving the future, i love tha future, you know,

i wanna understand the past and i’ll work on it constantly trying to understand

and I’ll work on trying to understand tha future, but i don’t wanna bring it you know,

(laughing) i wanna go on, i wanna open up, i wanna free up, i wanna, you know let go,

i wanna say, wait a minute, I want another kind of world here, i wanna be free love,

i don’t want nobody you know, um, you know following me down the street, trying to rape me,

or trying to beat me up, or i don’t wanna you know, to walk down the street and, and, and you look at somebody you

know, hungry, homeless, wait a minute.........

-Assata Shakur

Credits Mad Professor (Producer), Mad Professor (Mixing), Lee "Scratch" Perry & the Dub Syndicate (Vocals), Angela Davis

(Vocals), John Trudell (Vocals), John Trudell, Oku Onuora, Carl Ayton (Bass), Carl Ayton (Guitar), Chuck D

(Vocals), Santa Davis (Percussion), Santa Davis (Drums), Michael Franti (Fiddle), Michael Franti (Vocals), Michael

Franti (Producer), Michael Franti (Mixing), Michael Franti (Musician), Augustus Pablo (Producer), Augustus Pablo,

Lee "Scratch" Perry (Vocals), Scully (Percussion), Scully (Drums), Adrian Sherwood (Bass), Adrian Sherwood

(Programming), Adrian Sherwood (Mixing), Carl Young, Carl Young (Musician), Asian Dub Foundation (Mixing), Asian Dub

Foundation (Music Development), (Ex) Cat Heads (Vocals), The Fire This Time (Main Performer), Dave Greenberg

(Title), Patrick Andrade (Vocals), Patrick Andrade (Poetry), Patrick Andrade (Producer), Patrick Andrade (Engineer),

Patrick Andrade (Executive Producer), Patrick Andrade (Digital Editing), Patrick Andrade (Mixing), Patrick Andrade

(Concept), Patrick Andrade (Sequencing), Amita Handa (Vocals), Orin Isaacs (Digital Editing), Orin Isaacs (Digital

Engineer), Ski (Keyboards), Danny Thomas (Bass), Danny Thomas (Guitar), Patricia Andrade (Vocals), Patricia Andrade

(Poetry), Patricia Andrade (Producer), Patricia Andrade (Engineer), Patricia Andrade (Executive Producer), Patricia

Andrade (Digital Engineer), Patricia Andrade (Concept), Patricia Andrade (Sequencing), Kelly White (Vocals), Crispin

Robinson (Mixing), Crispin Robinson (Creation), Alesandra Batista (Assistant Engineer), Booie (Flute), Booie

(Whistle (Human)), Booie (Whistle (Instrument)), Pete DiGangi (Harmonica), Pete DiGangi (Guitar (Bass)), Eagleheart

Singers (Vocals), Eagleheart Singers (Ensemble), Eagleheart Singers, Lionel Eustache (Vocals), Carly Graner (Liner

Notes), Carly Graner (Sequencing), Tanya Lena (Vocals), John Macias (Percussion), John Macias (Drums), Nick

Mannaseh (Mixing), Nick Mannaseh (Creation), Nick Mannaseh (Music Development), Don Patrick Martin (Vocals), Namowan

(Mixing), Namowan (Sequencing), Errot Nazareth (Title), Assata Shakur (Vocals), Amir Shingray (Cover Art), Special

Projects (Mixing), Special Projects (Creation), Special Projects (Music Development), Spry (Percussion), Spry

(Drums), Spry (Engineer), Spry (Mixing), M. Toro (Poetry), Marcela Toro (Vocals), Marcela Toro (Poetry), Marcela

Toro (Engineer), Marcela Toro (Liner Notes), Marcela Toro (Art Direction), Marcela Toro (Spanish Vocals), Harry





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